Chicago’s Tech Rebirth

April 10, 2014

Politico Magazine

Susan Glasser, editor of  Politico Magazine, leads a panel for the magazine’s What Works: Chicago event. Joining her to talk about the future of technology in the windy city are Maria Katris, CEO of Built In; Saskia Sassen, professor of sociology at Columbia University; Claire Tramm, CEO of Effortless Energy; and Howard Tullman, CEO of 1871.

CGT Co-chair Professor Saskia Sassen commented on how global cities use their unique qualities to their advantage.

“Cities compete far less with each other in the global space than is usually thought precisely because they are different…Cities don’t have to give it all away to get firms to locate.”

Part of a series that explores innovative ideas for urban reinvention, Sassen’s panel focused on the future of technology and the tech sector in Chicago.

Click here to watch the panel discussion.