Citizenship: United States
My sense of purpose was shaped by growing up in the Pacific Northwest. I owe my foundational development to Oregon’s Outdoor School program, which taught me indigenous history, ethnobotany, and climate preservation while developing my independence and leadership skills. I left the comfort of home to study at Wellesley College, where I earned my BA in International Relations and a middle/high school history teaching certification. At Wellesley, I expanded my understanding of environmentalism by encouraging the university’s divestment from fossil fuels, researching with Harvard-MIT SHINE on their carbon handprint initiative, and interning with the Faith for Earth project in Nairobi through the Albright Institute Fellowship. After graduation, I moved to Bangkok, where I have shifted my focus to constructivist teaching. In my research, I hope to combine my interests to explore the impact of climate displacement on the right to education, preparing myself to work in climate and education policy initiatives.