Kurt Campbell, Deputy Secretary of State
Xiaobo Lü, Professor, Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Political Science, Barnard College
Qin Gao, Professor and Associate Dean for Doctoral Education, Director of China Center for Social Policy, Columbia University School of Social Work
Junyan Jiang, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Columbia University
The China Town Hall program is a two-part program from the National Committee on US-China Relations that provides a snapshot of the current U.S.-China relationship and examines how that relationship reverberates at the local level – in our towns, states, and nation. The webinar is broadcast across the US in different venues. This year’s webinar will feature Kurt Campbell in conversation with Steve Orlins, the president of the National Committee, introduced at our Columbia site by Xiaobo Lu, who will also moderate a discussion with the audience after the talk.
This event is hosted by the Weatherhead East Asian Institute and cosponsored by the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, Columbia’s China Center for Social Policy, Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program, and the Committee on Global Thought.