CGT 2024-2025 Annual Report Out Now!
The 2023-2024 CGT Annual Report is now available!
Please click here to read about the Committee’s projects and programming in the past academic year.
Updates about news, publications, events and achievements from the Committee on Global Thought. You can also follow CGT on Facebook and Twitter.
The 2023-2024 CGT Annual Report is now available!
Please click here to read about the Committee’s projects and programming in the past academic year.
The competitive Global Thought Scholars program was established in 2023 to expose undergraduate students to the trans-regional and trans-disciplinary approaches of the CGT and to support students’
The Committee on Global Thought’s fall semester featured an engaging line-up of campus talks, panels, and community-building events that covered a breadth of topics relevant to our current global
On August 27, Outgoing Chair of the Committee on Global Thought, Reinhold Martin, announced that Adam Tooze, Kathryn and Shelby Collum Davis Professor of History, will transition to Chair of CGT,
Spectrum News | April 13th, 2024
AP News | February 15th, 2024
The Atlantic | February 2nd, 2024
In an opinion piece, CGT Member Kian Tajbakhsh discusses Iran's role in the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel.
To read the article, click here.
USA Today | November 4th, 2023
University of Nebraska Press
Latin America Research Review | August 14th, 2023
State of the Planet | 8/21/2023
Boston Review | 5/31/2023
George H.W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations | 5/31/2023
Columbia News | 5/25/2023
ICAP News | 4/27/2023
Eve Glasberg | Columbia News | 1/31/2023
Ed Pilkington | The Guardian | 1/12/23
Kian Tajbakhsh | The Atlantic | 11/1/2022
Kian Tajbkhsh | Public Seminar | 9/30/2022
Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Joseph Slaughter, has been appointed as the new Executive Director of the Institute for the Study of Human Rights. Before serving as the Director of
Joseph Stiglitz | Vox EU | April 18, 2022
Joseph Stiglitz | Bankok Post | April 9, 2022
Mark Mazower | War on the Rocks | April 6, 2022
Adam Tooze | Foreign Policy | April 5, 2022
Mark Mazower | The Financial Times | March 25, 2022
Akeel Bilgrami | Frontline | March 20, 2022
Adam Tooze | The Guardian | March 17, 2022
Joseph Stiglitz | Common Dreams | March 12, 2022
José Antonio Ocampo | The Business Times | March 8, 2022
Mark Mazower | The Financial Times | March 8, 2022
Adam Tooze | The New Statesman | March 8, 2022
Michael Doyle | The Washington Post | March 3, 2022
José Antonio Ocampo | Project Syndicate| March 2, 2022
Peter de Menocal | The Hill | March 2, 2022
Adam Tooze | The New Statesman | March 2, 2022
Katharina Pistor | Project Syndicate | February 28, 2022
Joseph Stiglitz| The Guardian | February 21, 2022
Katharina Pistor | Project Syndicate | February 21, 2022
Katharina Pistor | Princeton University Press | February 12, 2022
Jośe Antonio Ocampo | The Brookings Institution | February 16, 2022
Joseph Stiglitz | Project Syndicate | February 7, 2022
Joseph Stiglitz | VoxEU | February 7, 2022
Adam Tooze | The New Statesman | February 4, 2022
José Antonio Ocampo | Khabarhub | January 20, 2022
Adam Tooze | The New Statesman | January 25, 2022
Qin Gao | Child Indicators Research | November 28, 2021
Kevin Funk | Foreign Policy in Focus | November 29, 2021
Adam Tooze | London Review of Books | November 2021
Qin Gao| Columbia China Center for Social Policy | November 3, 2021
Wafaa El-Sadr | U.S. News | November 1, 2021
Katharina Pistor | Financial News | October 20, 2021
Adam Tooze | WDET | October 19, 2021
Peter de Menocal | Smithsonian Magazine | October 19, 2021
Joseph Stiglitz | New York Times | October 9, 2021
Michael Doyle | The Christian Science Monitor | October 8, 2021
Joseph Stiglitz | PBS NewsHour| September 29, 2021
Wafaa El-Sadr | New York Business Journal | September 29, 2021
Adam Tooze | The Sydney Morning Herald | September 23, 2021
Adam Tooze | Reaction | September 22, 2021
Katharina Pistor | Project Syndicate | September 21, 2021
Adam Tooze | Project Syndicate | September 14, 2021
Joseph Stiglitz | Project Syndicate | September 7, 2021
Kian Tajbakhsh | Tales of My Two Cities | September 7, 2021
Kunal Shankar | The Wire | September 7, 2021
Joseph Stiglitz | National Bureau of Economic Research | August 2021
Adam Tooze | Foreign Policy | August 27, 2021
Souleymane Bachir Diagne | University World News | September 4, 2021
Mamadou Diouf | Deutsche Wells | August 31, 2021
Nikhar Gaikwad | | August 28, 2021
José Antonio Ocampo | Project Syndicate | August 27, 2021
Wafaa El-Sadr | WNYC | August 26, 2021
Carol Gluck | August 14
Adam Tooze | Foreign Policy | August 6, 2021
Kian Tajbakhsh | Tales of My Two Cities | August 11, 2021
M.A. in Global Thought graduate Michelle Lee successfully founded and led a virtual tech leadership program titled Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East.
CGT Member Qin Gao authors new report for UNICEF
José Antonio Ocampo | Institute of Development Studies | August 2, 2021
Bernard Harcourt | New York Times | July 20, 2021
Adam Tooze | New Statesman | July 21, 2021
Andreas Wimmer | American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 126, No. 6 | May 2021
Joseph Stiglitz | Project Syndicate | July 6, 2021
Carol Gluck was quoted in a recent New York Times article on the Olympic Games in Japan
CGT Member Partha Chatterjee's new book is released in India
Why not voting means different things in Tehran and New York City
Iran’s upcoming presidential elections could have important implications for the country's political future as well as ongoing nuclear negotiations between Washington and Tehran. Sada asked three
M.A. in Global Thought Graduate Claudia Herbert Colfer (Class of 2019) recently launched Wasi - an iOS app that provides a platform for people to easily make a positive change in the world. Wasi
Joseph Stiglitz | The Guardian | June 8, 2021
Manan Ahmed | Polis Project | May 16, 2021
Financial capital and the courts are quietly creating the conditions to stop global warming—if politics does its part, too.
José Antonio Ocampo | June 4, 2021 | El Tiempo
Vishakha N. Desai | Columbia University Press Blog | May 27, 2021
Adam Tooze | NY Magazine | May 21, 2021
Katharina Pistor | Project Syndicate | May 21, 2021
Qin Gao | Journal of Aging & Social Policy | May 24
What is “smart cities” technology? Do all smart city technologies pose equivalent cybersecurity risks? What are some of the most prevalent cyber threats posed by these technologies? Join host
Katharina Pistor | Princeton University Press | May 14, 2021
Throughout the pandemic, nothing has stopped her from going into the office every single day (with fresh flowers).
Bernard E. Harcourt | Columbia College | May 12, 2021
CGT Chair Vishakha N. Desai's new book World As Family: A Journey of Multi-Rooted Belongings was recently published by Columbia University Press. The book explores the significance of living
Vishakha N. Desai | Fox 11 LA | May 4, 2021
Adam Tooze | Bloomberg | April 29, 2021
Masters in Global Thought alum Shagun Sethi (MA '20) recently published her research titled, "Walk With Women: Gendered Perceptions of Safety in Urban Spaces" with international nonprofit Leading
Qin Gao | Columbia Global Centers Beijing | April 21, 2021
Benjamin Orlove | Columbia Climate School | April 21, 2021
HarperCollins seeks to publish Erlick's The Measure in 2022.
The three-week virtual leadership program endeavors to "provide youth with a holistic toolkit to become effective leaders by equipping them with leadership skills and a human-centered design approach
In his new book, Professor Reinhold Martin reveals how universities have created and controlled knowledge for the past two centuries.
Like many Americans, I reacted to the recent murders of six Asian Americans in Atlanta with horror. That I wasn’t surprised only heightened my anguish.
Kian Tajbakhsh and Saskia Sassen | Columbia Global Centers | April 1, 2021
In its dealings with Beijing, the United States has turned to classic grand strategy with the aim of safeguarding its primacy. In contrast, the EU has been pursuing a less consistent, but much more
Joseph Stiglitz and José Antonio Ocampo | Inter Press Service | March 29, 2021
Mark Mazower | Ekathimerini | 28 March, 2021
Rosalind C. Morris | Euronews Podcast | March 18, 2021
Adam Tooze writes on the roadmaps to net-zero by 2050. Is a just transition for Europe realistic?
Adam Tooze | Talking Politics Podcast | March 17, 2021
Kian Tajbakhsh | Columbia DC | March 18, 2021
Although markets are uniquely powerful mechanisms for conveying information and altering behavior, they are ultimately social systems that rest on incomplete and ever-shifting foundations. That makes
Peter de Menocal | CBS News | March 16, 2021
El sinsentido de destruir el fondo oceánico para frenar el cambio climático
José Antonio Ocampo | Brookings Institution | March 8, 2021
Shagun Sethi (MA '21) | Smart Cities World | March 8, 2021
Akeel Bilgrami | Despardes | March 3, 2021
José Antonio Ocampo | Project Syndicate | March 5, 2021
Mark Mazower | Consulate General of Greece in Boston | March 4, 2021
Joseph Stiglitz | Global Landscape News| March 2, 2021
Adam Tooze | Foreign Policy | March 5, 2021
Saskia Sassen | urbanNext | March 7, 2021
José Antonio Ocampo | ProMarket | February 28, 2021
Bernard Harcourt | Abolition Democracy | February 9, 2021
Bernard Harcourt on critical praxis and abolition.
Michael Doyle | Newsweek | February 11, 2021
Rosalind C. Morris | The Berlin International Film Festival
UCGT | Tech for Social Good? | February 21, 2021
Katharina Pistor | Hot Money
Joseph Stiglitz | NBER | February 15, 2021
Nicholas Stern & Joseph E. Stiglitz | NBER | February 15, 2021
Columbia News | February 10, 2021
Bernard Harcourt | Shadowproof | February 8, 2021
Joseph Stiglitz | February 1, 2021 | Project Syndicate
Joseph Stiglitz | KPFA | January 28, 2021
The Biden Administration Must Invest in the Arts
Akeel Bilgrami | Foundation TLS | January 30, 2021
Katharina Pistor | LPE Project | January 27, 2021
Racial Justice and Abolition Democracy Curriculum Project Established at Columbia University
Losing Hindustan - A review of The Loss of Hindustan - The Invention of India
Manan Ahmed Asif on The Loss of Hindustan - The Invention of India
Last year’s agreement on an EU recovery package was widely celebrated. This year its inadequacy will sink in.
Worried About Long-Term Scarring to Economy: Joseph Stiglitz
Wafaa El-Sadr | Office of the President | January 21, 2020
JANUARY 20, 2021 - The Global Thought Experience (GTE), an initiative by the Committee on Global Thought, aims to connect Columbia undergraduate students with non-profit groups in New York and the
Joseph Stiglitz | January 2021 | Peterson Institute
Katharina Pistor | January 12, 2021 | Project Syndicate
The Committee on Global Thought is hiring an Administrative Assistant (Work Study) for the Spring 2021 semester!
The underlying causes of Trump’s rise to power must be addressed, from taming social media to tackling inequality
June 2020
An excerpt from Dr. Vishakha N. Desai's talk at the Roma Peoples Project's 2020 educational festival
CGT Member Manan Ahmed's new book has received significant press attention recently. Read the reviews, watch the book talks, and listen to the podcasts below.
Joseph Stiglitz | National Bureau of Economic Research | January 2021
The Republican Party has become a white nationalist party. If old fashioned politics can’t change that, we must consider alternatives.
La contre-révolution s’est préparée de longue date. Son éruption met à jour une profonde fissure aux États-Unis.
Although new leadership in the United States will not miraculously end the COVID-19 pandemic and recession, it at least enables the global response that is urgently needed. The question now is whether
Adam Tooze | e-flux | December, 2020
Manan Ahmed | Asian American Writers' Workshop | December 22, 2020
Tenemos que dejar de ser una de las regiones del mundo con mayores niveles de desigualdad.
Scientists may have provided us with a miraculous fix for Covid, but history shows that any path to recovery will be long
Qin Gao | International Social Work | December 18, 2021
Adam Tooze | World Economic Forum | December 17, 2020
Akeel Bilgrami | December 8, 2020 | Center on Modernity in Transition
The author speaks about ‘decolonising’ history and why we can’t look at the pre-colonial period without acknowledging the prejudices of colonial historians.
“We were internalizing the logics of counterinsurgency.”
Adam Tooze | December 6, 2020 | THE GUARDIAN
A Chance to Repair the Cracks in Our Democracy
Carol Gluck | December 4, 2020 | NPR
Saskia Sassen | December 6, 2020 | The Guardian
Wafaa El-Sadr | November 30, 2020 | GlobeNewswire
Kian Tajbakhsh | 2020 | Oñati Socio-Legal Series
José Antonio Ocampo | October 2020 | AFD
Adam Tooze | November 25, 2020 | VVOJ Conference
Adam Tooze argues that the frail eurozone recovery hinges entirely on its guarantee by the European Central Bank.
Bernard Harcourt | November 25, 2020 | Columbia Center for Contemporary Critical Thought
A survivor recounts her experience in the Japanese Imperial Army's institutionalized system of sexual enslavement during World War II and her struggle to win recognition and reparations.
Though it has not come as a surprise, the attack on the credibility of the 2020 election by US President Donald Trump and his Republican Party cannot simply by brushed under the rug of history. Once
Peter de Menocal | November 30, 2020 | WHOI
With a slim majority in Congress, the president-elect lacks a solid base. The past teaches us what may happen
Manan Ahmed Asif | November 20, 2020 | India Today
Akeel Bilgrami | November 6, 2020 | New Statesman
Qin Gao | NOVEMBER 16, 2020 | Columbia School of Social Work
Nikhar Gaikwad | November 13, 2020 | Scope Conditions Podcast
Adam Tooze | November 18 |
Adam Tooze | November 15, 2020 |
Muchos países ven en Joe Biden el retorno a los principios del multilateralismo y el apoyo a la ONU.
Saskia Sassen | November 18, 2020 |LSE IDEAS
José Antonio Ocampo | November 6, 2020 | Project Syndicate
By Qin Gao | November 9, 2020 | Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development
José Antonio Ocampo | November 9 | OECD
Carol Becker | October 30, 2020 | Columbia School of the Arts
Bernard E. Harcourt | November 5, 2020 | France 24
Adam Tooze | November 7, 2020 | Novara Media
Lucía Muñoz Sueiro | CTXT | November 6, 2020
Adam Tooze | November 4, 2020 | Lawfare
Adam Tooze | November 3, 2020 | El País
Qin Gao | November 5, 2020 | Journal of Asian Public Policy
José Antonio Ocampo | November 1, 2020 | Global Policy
On October 1, 2020, Peter de Menocal assumed the role of President & Director of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the 11th person to hold that title since the Institution was founded in 1930.
Carol Gluck | November 9, 2020 | USC Dornsife East Asian Studies Center
The forces Trump represents and the fragility of the country’s electoral machinery are problems decades in the making
The president’s administration is full of plutocrats and CEOs – but big business is leaning toward Biden
The great powers have taken big steps to fight global warming. Now attention turns to the rest of the world.
Saskia Sassen | October 16 | PUSHBACK Talks!
Adam Tooze | October 19 | Social Europe
Joseph Stiglitz | October 20, 2020 | Bloomberg Surveillance
Katharina Pistor | October 2020 | Erasmus Univeristy Rotterdam
Souleymane Bachir Diagne | October 11, 2020 | Hyperallergic
José Antonio Ocampo | October 9 | Inquirer
José Antonio Ocampo | October 6, 2020 | Brookings Institute
Manan Ahmed | October 5, 2020 | The Journal of Asian Studies
Vishakha Desai | October 6, 2020 | Jonah Bokaer Arts Foundation
Originally published by Jonah Bokaer Arts Foundation.
In Critique & Praxis, Professor Bernard E. Harcourt outlines practical steps for how to become an engaged citizenry during the era of COVID, protests, and the presidential election.
Bernard Harcourt | October 3, 2020 | Abolition 13/13
Joseph Stiglitz | October 2, 2020 | Project Syndicate
In order to emphasize "disenchantment", Bilgrami chose the case of MF Husain who was embroiled in a long drawn controversy for his nude paintings of Goddess Saraswati and Bharat Mata and had several
Bernard Harcourt | September 30 | Data for Progress
Two reissued classics of New Deal literature, “Black Metropolis” and “Modern Housing,” deserve new attention from architects and urbanists.
Adam Tooze | September 25 | Foreign Policy
Katharina Pistor, The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality (2019).
Saskia Sassen | September 24 | openDemocracy
Katharina Pistor | September 24 | Project Syndicate
Qin Gao | September 23 | International Social Work
José Antonio Ocampo | September 21 | Project Syndicate
Adam Tooze | September 21 | ChinaTalk
Immunization to COVID-19 is supposed to solve our problems—but it's starting to trigger even bigger ones.
Catherine Clifford | September 17 | CNBC
Adam Tooze | September 15 | New York Times
Adam Tooze | September 10 | Social Europe
The 2020 Edgar de Picciotto International Prize was awarded to Saskia Sassen during the opening lecture of the academic year on 15 September.
Bernard E. Harcourt | September 13 | Columbia University Press
Saskia Sassen | September 11 | University World News
Saskia Sassen | September 14 | Women's Working Group on Financing for Development
Bernard Harcourt | September 11 | Columbia University Press
Joseph Slaughter | September 11 | Post45
September 8 | Public Books
In this study, Gareth Newell & Nikhar Gaikwad analyse a certain behaviour pattern of Indian elected representatives.
Bernard Harcourt | September 8 | Vice
Bernard E. Harcourt | September 19
Manan Ahmed | September 1 | SAAG Anthology
Nikhar Gaikwad | August 31 | American Journal of Political Science
Joseph Stiglitz | August 30 | Croatia Week
José Antonio Ocampo | August 30 | Pledge Times
Saskia Sassen | August 28 | The Correspondent
August 2020
Joseph Stiglitz | August 25, 2020 | The Economic Journal
Saskia Sassen | July 2020 | Social Science Bites
Sharon Marcus | August 19 | Five Books
Michael Doyle | August 18 | Refugees International
Saskia Sassen | July 2020 | Ethic
Joseph E. Stiglitz & Patrick Bolton | August 17 | Project Syndicate
Katharina Pistor | August 2020 | Law and Contemporary Problems
Joseph E. Stiglitz | August 2020 | Scientific American
Joseph E. Stiglitz | August 12, 2020 | BOZAR
Adam Tooze | August 13, 2020 | Jain Family Institute
Adam Tooze | August 7, 2020 | Foreign Policy
"The continent has managed to take a great leap forward—but there still might be a crash landing"
Read full article here.
José Antonio Ocampo | August 11, 2020 | VOXEU CEPR
Saskia Sassen | August 4, 2020 | IISS
By Heather Hachigian - August 4, 2020
London Review of Books | Vol. 42 No. 15 | July 30
Newswise | July 20
José Antonio Ocampo | July 28, 2020 | Global Americans
Radio Canada | 21 juillet 2020
Ayça Çubukçu - July 15, 2020
Undergraduate study on the impact of coronavirus on student employment featured in Forbes
A Letter on Justice and Open Debate
CGT Member Rosalind Morris elected to the Policy and Planning Committee (PPC), representing the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
July 1, 2020
Bernard Harcourt | June 26 | Gothamist
Ben Orlove | 21 de Junio
Review of Sarah Brouillete's UNESCO and the Fate of the Literary
Joseph Slaughter | June 10 | boundary2
Click here to read the article.
Reinhold Martin | June 2020 | Places Journal
Mark Mazower | May 20 | Financial Times
CGT Member Professor Mark Mazower reviews two books on the Habsburg empire in the Financial Times.
Click here to read.
Joseph Stiglitz | June 15 | The Irish Times
Bernard Harcourt - 17. Juni
“The 11th Circuit is racing to the bottom when it comes to reviewing prisoner appeals,” said CGT Member Bernard Harcourt.
What's Behind North Korea's Dwindling Defection Rate?
Bernard Harcourt dans Le Monde: « C’est peut-être la fin de la contre-révolution américaine »
CGT Member Mark Hansen joins Columbia Journalism Faculty to Denounce Police Attacks on Journalists
June 2, 2020 | Courtesy of France24
Rose Huang, Cheryl Wang, and Ava Ellis | May 11, 2020
New York Times | May 19, 2020
France 24 | June 2, 2020
May 17, 2020
Joseph E. Stiglitz - May 11, 2020
Germany's Federal Constitutional Court, heedless of the political consequences for Europe and Germany, has issued a ruling that risks sacrificing the euro and possibly even the European Union. An
Por una Barcelona menos mercantilizada y más humana
By Agostino Capponi, Felix C. Corell, Joseph E. Stiglitz - May 2020
Argentina's creditors are being asked to accept a proposal that would reduce their revenue stream but make it sustainable. A responsible resolution will set a positive precedent, not only for
May 07, 2020
Saskia Sassen | May 1, 2020 | Foresight
Today, the documentary adaptation of Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century premiers in virtual theaters across the US. The film features CGT Member Joseph Stiglitz.
Chatterjee characterizes populism as a distinct political reason operating in a democracy, a modality and not any particular ideology
Digital Access, Inclusion and Participation
The deadline for nominations for the Tällberg/Eliasson Global Leadership Prize has been extended to May 14th.
Click here for more information and to nominate a leader.
The good news is that the pandemic shows “science works.” The bad news? Global warming may be far more dangerous than a pandemic.
Katharina Pistor - April 23, 2020
“I would encourage anyone interested in understanding the Great Depression or mid-19th century Britain to turn to Steinbeck or Dickens,” says Joseph E. Stiglitz, whose book “People, Power, and
The fund seems to have won over its most fearsome critic
by Souleymane Bachir Diagne - April 1, 2020
A lecture given by Reinhold Martin as part of the Spring 2020 Broadcast series on Tuesday, March 31st.
“This is a different kind of crisis than normal crises. It’s just not a problem of aggregate demand,” said Joseph Stiglitz, former chief economist at the World Bank.
A number of prominent figures are calling for a “European response” to the coronavirus threat. The names of the signatories of the declaration, whose number is still growing, will be updated.
For 40 years, US Republicans have been insisting that ‘government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem’. The bankruptcy of this has been laid bare.
In response to the guidelines issued by the University as part of its response to COVID-19, the Committee on Global Thought and Undergraduate Committee on Global Thought have postponed all programming
Why can't we afford to live in our cities?
By Joseph E. Stiglitz, Anand Giridharadas, and Elmira Bayrasli - Mar 3, 2020
by José Antonio Ocampo - Feb 26, 2020
By GZERO Media - February 25, 2020
The David Bartsch and Joan Haffenreffer Bartsch Fellows to the UCGT
February 20, 2020
February 20, 4:00-6:00pm, Library Lecture Room
M.A in Global Thought Students Meet and Discuss With Obama Foundation Scholars
February 13, 2020
“Born to Be” documentary gives a humanizing look into the world of transgender medicine
Dr. Carol Gluck, chair of Columbia University’s Committee of Global Thought, shared her thoughts on the ongoing postwar period of Japan on Feb. 6 at an event held at PSU.
From paying taxes and liveable wages to advocating government regulations to protect the environment, we need proof corporations are changing.
Greater Good Gathering
Splicing cultures: Xiaolu Guo on novels and filmmaking, in conversation with Carol Gluck
Perry Mehrling Explains Why "The Money View" Is Key To Understanding Financial Markets
How 'Big Law' Makes Big Money
Rewriting the Rules of the European Economy
Why Capitalism's Salvation Depends on Taxation
January 27, 2020
It's time to ask where the current protests – a burst of youthful passion, bravery and creativity – will lead us.
Columbia Professor and CGT Member Bernard E. Harcourt's book Exposed was recently released in French. "La Société d'exposition," translated by Sophie Renaut, takes a critical look at our new digital
Professor Nikhar Gaikwad and co-authors Kolby Hanson (Ph.D. '19) and Aliz Toth (Stanford) have been selected as winners of the Robert H. Durr Award for best paper "applying quantitative methods to a
Congratulations to 2018 M.A. in Global Thought graduate Julia Biango!
Vishakha N. Desai Jury Member for 2019 Tällberg/Eliasson Global Leadership Prizes
Kian Tajbakhsh featured in CBC Radio Documentary on Richard Rorty
World Architecture Festival 2019: Watch the Live Stream
The Future—And the End?—of AIDS
Cura Personalis Award Recipient: HIV/AIDS Epidemic Taught Me to be a Better Person
The SDR’s Time Has Come
Reading Rorty in Tehran. Or what happened when I road-tested Rorty’s philosophy of life inside an Iranian Prison
It's time to retire metrics like GDP. They don't measure everything that matters
Joseph Stiglitz speaks on opportunities for SA economy but warns ‘austerity’ doesn’t deliver
Stiglitz and Zelizer, Doctors Honoris Causa
Climate crisis requires wartime-style mobilisation, says Nobel-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz
Planning for spring semester? Here’s what you should take for your Global Core
The German impasse
First Powell, Now Lagarde: Central Banks Say Goodbye to Superwonks
Joseph Stiglitz: Economics Against Inequalities
Last week, Chair of CGT, Professor Carol Gluck gave a major public lecture, "Modernity in Common: Japan in World History," at International House in Tokyo
November 7th, 2019
MNCs have gotten away with paying less taxes. That must change
There’s a global tax emergency, people!
Carol Gluck Keynote Speaker, gave address "Educating Women, Changing the World" for the 135th anniversary of Toyo Eiwa, one of the oldest' women's schools in Japan
November 05, 2019
The End of Neoliberalism and the Rebirth of History
A time for developing nations to speak up
Wanted: A Global Green New Deal
No More Half-Measures on Corporate Taxes
Grosse Koalition, small Klimapaket
Kian Tajbakhsh presented his paper on The Political Economy of Fiscal Decentralization in Iran at the meeting of the CIRS Working Group: The Political Economy of the Contemporary Middle East
The 2019-2020 David Bartsch and Joan Haffenreffer Bartsch Fellows to the UCGT
The Gates Foundation shouldn’t legitimise Narendra Modi
New Hirohito documents show emperor's thoughts on the war
An Iranian Dissident's Tale
The Rule of Lawyers
Can Anyone Hold the Global Economy Together?
Is Stakeholder Capitalism Really Back?
Trump’s Deficit Economy
The Global Economy Lives in Wonderland Now
The International Monetary Fund leadership is not a bargaining counter
Why Central Banks Need to Step Up on Global Warming
A Reform Opportunity for the IMF
CGT Signature Research Project "Politics of Visual Arts in a Changing World" awarded major grant from the Warhol Foundation
Female ascension? Imperial institution thrives due to change
Christine Lagarde Won, but This Isn’t a Game
Thumbs Down to Facebook’s Cryptocurrency
Rethinking the ‘global’ in global higher education
The first modern celebrity was born 175 years ago
Even the Internet Hasn’t Really Changed How Being Famous Works. Here’s Why.
The pandemonium of modern celebrity began in 19th-century theatre
On the 18th-Century Origins of Celebrity Worship
Democracy and Its Discontents
The climate crisis is our third world war. It needs a bold response.
After Neoliberalism
Democracy at Risk
Apply Now: CGT Summer 2019 Work-Study Student
Why the World Needs National Development Banks
A 'democratic socialist' agenda is appealing. No wonder Trump attacks it.
The Economy We Need
Output gap nonsense
The Committee on Global Thought welcomes two new faculty members:
Youth in a Changing World (YCW) Project Update
US trade deals were designed to serve corporations at the expense of workers
Corporate greed is accelerating climate change. But we can still head off disaster
America first, China last: Trump’s strange new order of economic nationalism
Trump’s Most Worrisome Legacy
Time for a True Global Currency
Getting Real About Iran
It’s Not an Existential Threat or an Ally in the Offing
Market Concentration Is Threatening the US Economy
American Democracy Has Been Eclipsed
How Can We Tax Footloose Multinationals?
Decision Time for the Future of Corporate Taxation
From Yellow Vests to the Green New Deal
Latin America’s Weak Economic Recovery
Rising Tides Will Sink Global Order
What Is Global Thought, anyway?
Beyond GDP
How Trump Fuels the Fascist Right
Globalization's Government Turns 10
Disaster Capitalism Comes to Puerto Rico
TB, NCDs, and the Lessons of HIV
Can American Democracy Come Back?
Everyday Tech: In Search of Mundane Tactics
Youth in a Changing Brazil
An Alliance With We The People
The American Economy Is Rigged
The Economics of the Climate Crisis
People Vs. Money in America's Midterm Elections
CGT Post-doc Ayça Çubukçu Book Release: "For the Love of Humanity: The World Tribunal on Iraq"
Who Wants What from Iran Now? The Post-Nuclear Deal U.S. Policy Debate
Columbia University Press announces the winner of the fourth annual Columbia University Press Distinguished Book Award.
The David Bartsch and Joan Haffenreffer Bartsch Fellows to the UCGT
The Global Opportunities (GO!) program, which CGT offered from 2017-2019, linked M.A. in Global Thought students to research projects during residencies at Columbia Global Centers. GO! internships
Macroeconomics Predicted the Wrong Crisis
Why All Economists Must Learn Lessons Before Next US Downturn
Beyond Secular Stagnation
The Myth of Secular Stagnation
Has the Emerging-Economy Crisis Cycle Ended?
The Global Opportunities (GO!) program, which CGT offered from 2017-2019, linked M.A. in Global Thought students to research projects during residencies at Columbia Global Centers. GO! internships
The Global Opportunities (GO!) program, which CGT offered from 2017-2019, linked M.A. in Global Thought students to research projects during residencies at Columbia Global Centers. GO! internships
Summer Intern Victoria Lacombe
The Turning Point of 2008
The US Is At Risk of Losing a Trade War with China
Beyond the Crash
Trump is Wrong About Trade. So Is Everyone Else.
We are excited to announce our new faculty member, Manan Ahmed.
American Democracy on the Brink
A global financial registry to fight tax evasion
The euro could be nearing a crisis – can it be saved?
Bernard E. Harcourt Honored by New York City Bar Association: The Committee on Capital Punishment of the New York City Bar Association unanimously voted to award him the Norman Redlich Capital Defense
The Roots of Argentina’s Surprise Crisis
Germany's Great European Heist
Fall Graduate Course: "Globalization and The Problems of World Order"
How Costa Rica Gets It Right
Why Karl Marx is more relevant than ever
Manasa Sitaram, a member of the M.A. in Global Thought Class of 2018, is featured in a GSAS "Student Spotlight":
Fall 2018 Global Core: Undergraduate Seminar in Global Thought "Inquiries into an Interconnected World"
Anti-Semitism and Britain’s Hall of Mirrors
Opinion: Trump’s fixation on the trade deficit with China is silly
Why should we keep murderers in prison until they die? Parole makes moral sense, even for cop-killers
I Dream of a Truly Transparent City
When Shall We Overcome?
A Better Way to Fight Corporate Tax Avoidance
Neither Fully Urban Nor Fully of the Biosphere
Post-Davos Depression
Democrats should take Trump’s immigration deal seriously
Welcome to a New Kind of War: The Rise of Endless Urban Conflict
The Follower Factory
We are pleased to announce the addition of Tori Gross to the CGT Staff as M.A. Director of Studies!
Failures of inference: liberalism and contemporary populism
Reclaiming the Streets to Impose Equal Rights for Women in the City
Deep Inside the Global City
The US Donor Relief Act of 2017
The Global Economy's Risky Recovery
Trump has failed on trade (that’s good), but the economic damage is already done
Don’t expect debt payments from Puerto Rico any time soon
The Globalization of Our Discontent
Ending AIDS: What Got Us Here, Won’t Get Us There
Monopolistic competition, the Dixit–Stiglitz model, and economic analysis
The Committee on Global Thought’s Annual Report for the 2016-2017 academic year is now available.
Can Trump’s Go-It-Alone Approach Work in a Global Economy?
The Chilling Irony of Trump's Economic Experiment
New Undergraduate Seminar "Global 20: Youth in an Interconnected World"
Reassembling Motherhood: Procreation and Care in a Globalized World
We are excited to announce our new faculty member, Yasmine Ergas.
Has Trump Captured the Fed?
Event Summary: 'Fight the Power': A Global Conversation Exploring Hip-Hop and Social Consciousness
Why Reducing Inequality Must Be a Global Effort
Conflicts and Crisis in the Faculties: The Humanities in an Age of Identity
Omar Al Mutawa (M.A. in Global Thought, Class of 2017) is a United Arab Emirates youth representative to the United Nations. He and fellow youth representative Sarah Al Suwaidi delivered a statement
Neil Krishan Aggarwal, Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, won Honorable Mention for his 2016 book "The Taliban's Virtual Emirate" at Columbia University Press's Distinguished Book Awards.
America Has a Monopoly Problem--and It's Huge
Wealth before health? Why intellectual property laws are facing a counterattack
A climatic context for the out-of-Africa migration
Déjà Voodoo
The Assault On The Rohingya Is Not Only About Religion — It’s Also About Land
Where Modern Macroeconomics Went Wrong
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Vishakha N. Desai, Senior Advisor for Global Affairs to the President and Senior Research Scholar in the School of International and Public Affairs, to
Harvey spells it out: markets alone won't protect you
Challenges in Treating Undocumented Immigrants
Summer Intern Winslow MacDonald
Colombia central banker says CPI surprise, weak GDP may allow more rate cuts
Saskia Sassen on how the powerless can “hack” global cities
Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Development: A Better Set of Approaches for the 21st Century
As You Sow, So Shall You Reap: Gender-Role Attitudes and Late-Life Cognition
The Secret History of the Banking Crisis
Trump and the Truth About Climate Change
Glacier Countries Condemn Trump’s Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement
Trump's Rogue America
The Committee on Global Thought welcomes three new faculty members:
Manchester: making sense of the place, its strengths and its future
Report of the High-Level Commission on Carbon Prices
New Undergraduate Seminar "Inquiries into an Interconnected World"
The U.S. Needs Deradicalized Militants in Counter-Messaging Strategies
The Contingencies of Comparison: Rethinking Comparative Media
Podcast featuring Brian Larkin - May 5, 2017
MIT Comparative Media Studies / Writing
Click here to learn more.
Lessons from the Anti-Globalists
Global Think-In: Thoughts on a Changing World
Putin's Illiberal Stagnation in Russia Offers a Valuable Lesson
The Demagogue Takes the Stage
Home Economics
Interview: Akeel Bilgrami on fascism and the 'movement vacuum'
Nobel laureate Stiglitz says carbon tax suitable for Japan’s problems
Saskia Sassen: "Trump and the Brexit show us the mistakes of the political classes and the media"
Letter to the Editor: Saving Puerto Rico
Trump's Most Chilling Economic Lie
Endless Exodus: 3,000 Years of Fearing and Depending on Refugees
Mediation, the Political Task: Between Language and Violence in Contemporary South Africa
Donald Trump's Wall Is No Bar to Migration from Mexico
I think we need more cities: Saskia Sassen
Will Trump Block Latin America’s Recovery?
Journalists Need to Stick Together and Back Each Other Up
Davos 2017: Joe Biden criticises Russia; Al Gore on climate change - as it happened
Is Rohingya persecution caused by business interests rather than religion?
Axis of Power
The UN and US both have new leaders. Do they agree?
Leaders’ Hawaii remarks include veiled message for Trump: experts
In Pearl Harbor Visit, a Symbol of Reconciliation in Japan
Tooze - A General Logic of Crisis
Whither our cityscape?
Carol Gluck discusses the 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor and the Politics of Memory.
Ben Orlove speaks at IPCC Scoping Meeting
Panama Struggles to Shed Its Image as a Magnet for Shady Deals
Southern Africa’s AIDS epidemic takes nosedive
The history man: how Saul Friedländer told his own story
Doing Business Should Stop Promoting Tax Competition
Global powers should act to shut down offshore tax havens, economist Joseph Stiglitz says
The Building of Donald Trump's White House
Prepare For Regime Change, Not Policy Change
A historian’s take on Trump’s economic plan for blue-collar, manufacturing jobs
How Trump’s economic proposals offer a vision from the past
Ideas that fed the beast of fascism flourish today
African Diaspora Seeks More Opportunities From Next US President
Trump win may induce Fed not to raise rate
Obama's Disappointing Legacy in Africa
Top-Down, Bottom-Up Urban Design
In new UN chief, redefining what's needed to be world's 'top diplomat'
Carol Gluck speaks at UK-Japan Global Seminar Series
Carol Gluck to be Discussant in Beyond the “San Francisco System” Conference Panel
Akeel Bilgrami and Rosalind Morris in Panel Discussion on Future of Scholarly Knowledge
Who Is The New U.N. Secretary-General?
Glacier Countries Help the Paris Agreement Enter into Force
António Guterres to be next UN secretary general
Portugal’s Guterres Wins Unanimous Backing to Lead the UN
Former prime minister of Portugal poised to become U.N. secretary general
Security Council Backs António Guterres to Be Next U.N. Secretary General
Norwegian Institute Releases Video Interview with Ben Orlove
A Better Economic Plan for Japan
Can the euro zone and euro be saved? Stiglitz weighs in
Mayor hails tenants at One World Trade Center: ‘Terrorists lost’
Worcester Art Museum Hosts Talk on Contemporary Art of India on Sept. 15
Colombia’s Long Road to Peace
Why do we still use the term ‘sub-Saharan Africa’?
Joseph Stiglitz warns Nicola Sturgeon against independent Scotland adopting pound or euro
Greenspan Sees U.S. Interest Rates Rising Soon, Perhaps Rapidly
Melting Glaciers Pose Threat Beyond Water Scarcity: Floods
The Mahatma in Manhattan
Joseph E. Stiglitz and Mark Pieth: Why We Left the Panama Commission
Panama Papers Commission ‘Will Have No Credibility,’ Former Chair Joseph Stiglitz Says
Emperor Akihito's Mark on Modern Japan
In Japan, an Emperor Constrained by History and a National Identity Crisis
What Does the Japanese Emperor Do?
Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro Looks to a Marxist Spaniard for an Economic Miracle
Investment in urban land is on the rise – we need to know who owns our cities
The value of Karl Marx’s 19th century thinking in today’s world
Trump and the damage done
Europe has to defend what it has achieved so far
It’s the will of the Turkish people, Erdogan says. But which people?
Cash-Strapped Governments Enjoy a Windfall in Low Borrowing Costs
Brexit: London can safeguard its global city status
Could Hillary Clinton Become the Champion of the 99 Percent?
5 Questions on the Unrest in Turkey
G-20 leadership to strengthen China's international profile, if it can overcome reputational issues
Turkey has had several military coups in its modern history. A historian explains why.
Realizing the Potential of China’s G20 Presidency
The British people have spoken. But what exactly did they say?
How Puerto Rico Can Recover
Redefining notions of urban intelligence
Book Review: The Road to Britain’s Retreat
5 Questions with Economics Professor Jan Svejnar on Brexit
Learning from Namibia
Nehru’s secularism was non-European: Bilgrami
A New Era for The U.S. and India?
Are American Samoans American?
Sovereign debt: Curing defaults
‘This Too Shall Pass,’ by Milena Busquets
Unpredictability is an important factor in making a metropolis great
Obama’s ‘never again’ message in Hiroshima rings strong: U.S. expert
Historian: Even Without Apology, Obama Visit To Hiroshima Is Historic, Important
Japanese and Americans remember the closing chapter of World War II so very differently
Ivy Leaguers Keep Grip on Colombia Economy Amid Drug Chaos
‘East West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity’, by Philippe Sands
For This Green Smoothie, the First Ingredient Is Frog
Visiting Hiroshima Without Revisiting History
Berlin should be careful what it wishes for
How Japan and the U.S. Remember World War II
Going Beyond the Minimum
The Forum: Wheel Revolutions
Is Aung San Suu Kyi a Racist?
How Jane Jacobs changed the way we look at cities
A Europe of Donald Trumps?
Europe’s Economy, After 8-Year Detour, Is Fitfully Back on Track
Trump, Le Pen and the enduring appeal of nationalism
A Conversation With Joseph Stiglitz
Honorary Degree Recipients Announced
The Institute of African Studies presents:
Rosalind Morris Awarded 2015-16 GSAC Faculty Mentoring Award
What’s Wrong With Negative Rates?
Carol Gluck Delivers The Fourth Annual Nancy Bernkopf Tucker Memorial Lecture
How Big Data is Changing History
How Hedge Funds Held Argentina for Ransom
Joseph Stiglitz To Canada: Stay Away From Flawed, Pro-Big Business TPP
Off the Rails: The Misunderstood History of the Wheel
The State Is Not Meant To Regulate Speech: Watch Professor Partha Chatterjee's lecture on 'azaadi'
Record Number Of Indian-American Women Running For Public Office In 2016
Stiglitz Takes the Hot Seat in Japanese Tax Debate
Who Owns Art?
Bloomberg Law Brief: Judge Goes Against Supreme Court (Audio)
Roundabout Teams Up With Columbia University
Philosophy book compiles expert analysis on non-Western secularity
Urban Aspiration
Taking back our universities
Age-Old Issue Gets Diminished in Election 2016
Inequality Is Shaping U.S. Electoral Politics, Stiglitz Says
UK Should Consider Brexit If EU Signs TTIP, Suggests Labour Economics Adviser Joseph Stiglitz
Environmental Art: Proposal for a Future World
Why goats used to breastfeed human babies
Faculty Q&A with Jan Svejnar: How Billionaires Affect the Economy
5 Questions: History Professor Adam Tooze on Europe's Challenges From Migration to Debt
Closing Developing Countries’ Capital Drain
From Osaka to Tokyo, Carol Gluck Speaks at Japanese Universities
What's holding back the world economy?
Sassen: “We have entered a new era that the language of inequality cannot capture”
"The Wheel: Inventions and Reinventions" by Richard W. Bulliet - Book Launch
Argentina’s Uncertain Prospects
China’s Bumpy New Normal
Lessons from the past are key to Europe’s survival
Stiglitz at Davos Blasts Turkey's Blacklisting of Professors
Remembering Rajni Kothari and His Wisdom on Things Political
Technology Is Destroying Our Inner Lives
Davos Veterans Say Stop Worrying About China's Market Meltdown
Carol Gluck Participates in International Symposium on Mass Violence in Asia and Europe
Stiglitz Says China Slowdown Gradual, Not Cataclysmic
The New Geo-Economics
Gandhi, Nehru strove for inclusive polity: Bilgrami
Cronyism is behind the worst kind of inequality
'A monster crawls into the city' – an urban fairytale by Saskia Sassen
How Merkel Gets It Right With Refugees
The Cost of Digital Exposure
When Inequality Kills
The 2015 Arts & Museum Summit
Soaring House Prices Are Widening Inequality, So Raise Property Taxes, Stiglitz Tells Canada
When to Intervene: What Would John Stuart Mill Do About Syria?
CGT Post-doc Ayse Kaya Book Release: "Power and Global Economic Institutions"
Who owns our cities – and why this urban takeover should concern us all
Argentina's Comeback Will Be Oversold
How I Got There: Jan Svejnar
The Guardians: The League of Nations and the Crisis of Empire by Susan Pedersen review – the legacy of an unlikely hero
Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr named Dr. Mathilde Krim-amfAR Chair of Global Health
A Step Forward for Sovereign Debt
Small-bore reform won’t cut it: Joseph Stiglitz says it’s time to “rewrite the rules” of the U.S. economy
Stiglitz: Here's How to Fix Inequality
A Special Moment for Special Drawing Rights
Civil hands must soothe uncivil tempers
This is your brain on retirement — not nearly as sharp, studies are finding
White House Asks Congress To Pass Major Puerto Rico Debt Relief
Trust - In a System Built in Stone
Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi War Economy
Tax avoidance fuels global inequality
Adam Tooze Nominated for 2015 Kirkus Prize
Columbia University professor and CGT Chair Carol Gluck delivered a keynote address at the Fifth Congress of Asian and Pacific Studies in Paris on September 9, 2015, titled "The Comfort Women and the
Carol Gluck, Columbia University professor and chair of the Committee on Global Thought, chaired and participated in several panels at the Africa-Asia: A New Axis of Knowledgeinternational conference
On September 24, 2015, Mamadou Diouf, Columbia professor, director of the Institute for African Studies, and member of the Committee on Global Thought, delivered the keynote address titled
The Trans-Pacific Free-Trade Charade
Europe's Story: Layers of Migration
Overcoming the Refugee Obstacle Course
'This progress is real': Obama makes case for diplomacy in blunt UN speech
As Wealth Inequality Soars, One City Shows the Way
Syria, Ebola Failures Highlight UN Shortcomings
Can the World Save Antiquities Under Terrorist Threat?
Never Forget: the Holocaust as History and Warning
The Seventieth Anniversary of World War II's End in Asia: Three Perspectives
Students share concerns about accessibility to global centers at World Leaders Forum event
Congratulations to CGT member, Rosalind Morris in her performances in Cities of Salt this summer!
Fed Up with the Fed
Why the commodities super cycle was a myth
US academics raise concerns over PM Narendra Modi's 'Digital India' campaign
As tragedies shock Europe, a bigger refugee crisis looms in the Middle East
Fed Officials Say a September Rate Increase Is Still on the Table
Rewriting the rules with Joseph Stiglitz
Joseph Stiglitz: "Deep-Seatedly Wrong" Economic Thinking Is Killing Greece
The International Tax System is 'Repulsive And Inequitable.' Here's A Way To Fix It.
What the United States Owes Puerto Rico
UN approves probe into gas attacks in Syria: Way forward to address civil war?
America in the Way
A Defeat for International Tax Cooperation
Berlin’s devotion to rules harms EU
Joseph Stiglitz: unsurprising Jeremy Corbyn is a Labour leadership contender
Greece, the Sacrificial Lamb
Renewal Projects, Down to the Sidewalks, Highlight Social Divides
Joseph E. Stiglitz: The U.S. Must Save Greece
Europe must back away from Greek austerity cliff: Joseph Stiglitz
International Taxation and Global Development
Saskia Sassen: Three rarely –if ever– mentioned or repeated facts in the Greek tragedy
Top economists see 'No' vote as Greece's least-worst choice
IMF, EU elites ignore those swept aside by austerity measures
Don’t Bet on Syriza
Europe’s Attack on Greek Democracy
Vishakha N. Desai: Attitudes on women must change
A last chance for Alexis Tsipras to choose country over party
Thinking Small: 3 Ways to Remain Creative in a World of Big Data
Greece's creditors need a dose of reality – this is no time for European disunion
Energy reform: will Mexico's newest revolution boost renewables – or just fossil fuels?
It's Time To End The Legal Fiction Of International Corporate Taxes, Nobel Prize Winner Says
In Greek Town, Reparations Claim Against Germany Hits Home
How Trade Agreements Amount to a Secret Corporate Takeover
The Case for Liberal Arts Education
Mamadou Diouf, Columbia professor and the director of the Institute for African Studies, has been named a Chevalier of the French Legion of Honor. Diouf was singled out for his role in engaging
Far Outside and Deep Within: More Novels on World War II
World No Longer Listens to the Deaf Prophets of the West
Nobel winner Stiglitz: "American Dream is a myth"
Centers in Istanbul and Amman to Host Global Think-Ins
Asia’s Multilateralism
Secularism in a Philosopher’s View
Global Cities Reach Beyond National Boundaries to Advance International Agendas
‘I am exploring how to use culture to address foreign policy’
Who's Afraid of Academic Freedom edited by Akeel Bilgrami and Jonathan R. Cole
To Fight Inequality, Tax Land
Kochi Biennale accords Indian artists global context: Experts
End of the Ottoman Empire
Don't Trade Away Our Health
Education Missing From Income Debate: Joseph Stiglitz
'Ghettoside' focuses on one L.A. murder to make case for more policing
Why The Paris Attacks May Signal A Shift In Extremist Violence
The Politics of Economic Stupidity
‘When the Facts Change: Essays 1995-2010’, by Tony Judt, edited by Jennifer Homans
Stiglitz has Harsh Words for US Policy Makers on China
Scholar Links Today's Indian Nationalism to European Xenophobia
Keep an Eye on These Emerging Market Cities
The Chinese Century
After the Crisis, the Nation State Strikes Back
Students Discuss Ideas, Concerns about Global Education
Pessimism on IMF Reforms
Ebola and Inequality
These Charts Show Growing Numbers of People Being Excluded From the Economy
Malala Yousafzai, Youngest Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Adds to Her Achievements and Expectations
The Vultures of Wall Street: The Financial Firms that Prey on Sovereign Debt
Admission application for fall 2015 is now live. Click here for more information.
End of AIDS—Hype versus Hope
A Short History of Vultures
Stiglitz Says Growing Inequality Betrays U.S. Moral Values
Medellín's Metamorphosis Provides a Beacon for Cities Across the Globe
Several members of the Committee on Global Thought participated in the new event series Raising the Bar, which hosts talks by professors in bars around New York City. Carol Gluck and Joseph Stiglitz
The Future of Capitalism
Chicago's Tech Rebirth
CGT faculty member Vishakha Desai has been selected as one of five by Williams College to receive at honorary degree at the school's commencement ceremony on June 8, 2014. Michael R. Bloomberg,
Eliminating Extreme Inequality: A Sustainable Development Goal, 2015–2030
The Committee on Global Thought congratulates Akeel Bilgrami on the release of his new book, Secularism, Identity, and Enchantment, published by Harvard University Press. Click here for more details.
The Insanity of Our Food Policy
The Innovation Enigma
German Court Decision: Legal Authority and Deep Power Implications
Danny Postel is the Associate Director at the Center for Middle East Studies, University of Denver. Postel co-edited The Syria Dilemma with Nader Hashemi who spoke at the Committee on Global
Minimum Wage Fight: Here We Go Again
Cities of the Present, Cities of the Future: The Future Skyline
Professor Distinguishes Fact from Fiction in World War II History
The Global Thought Leaders, 2013
Baby Boomers Have Failed a Doomed Generation
As We Remember the Atrocities of the 20th Century, We Must Change the Way We Think About Mass Violence
Orhan Pamuk, who spoke at the Committee on Global Thought's event, Conversations on Memory: Literature, Neuroscience, History on November 19th, 2013, discusses his upbringing in Istanbul and
Culture Matters: The Case of Devyani Khobragade and India-US Relations
Rent Seeking
Stiglitz: Japan's '3 Arrow' Plan has 1 Big Problem
Japan's Recovery at Risk of Stalling on 'Premature' Tax Rise Fears Nobel Economist Stiglitz
Stiglitz On How to Fix the Income Gap
During his time as a Visiting Scholar at the Committee on Global Thought from August 2013 to January 2014, Dr. Brad Evans conducted a series of videos interviews with Committee members and Columbia
A Dismal New Year for the Global Economy
Patrick Bolton, Barbara and David Zalaznick Professor of Finance and Economics, has been elected president of the American Finance Association. Bolton will succeed out-going president, Luigi
Professor José Antonio Ocampo is recognized by his home country's most distinguished institution for scholarly achievement and service on the world stage.
Joseph E. Stiglitz, University Professor and Co-chair of the Committee on Global Thought, was awarded the 2014 Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize by the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences,
The Committee on Global Thought's Annual Report for the 2012-2013 academic year is now available.
Bollinger Talks Globalizing Core at Forum
The Insanity of Our Food Policy
"Rogue Sociologist" Embeds With Prostitutes and Crack Dealers in NYC
Carol Gluck, Mamadou Diouf and Akeel Bilgrami have been awarded Alliance Program Grants for Joint Projects for 2014-2015.
The Future of Democracy
Admission application for fall 2015 is is now live. Click here for more information.
High-Profile Professors Sound off on NSA Surveillance
Joseph Stiglitz: 'Creating a Learning Society,' and the Implications for Industrial Policy
How Dr. King Shaped My Work in Economics
The Global Implications of Falling Commodity Prices
British Academy Welcomes 59 New Fellows
AD Interviews: Saskia Sassen
The Wrong Lessons From Detroit's Bankruptcy
Faculty Q&A With Wafaa El-Sadr
Carol Gluck, member of the Committee on Global Thought and George Sansom Professor of History, is the recipient of the 2012- 2013 Faculty Mentoring Award for faculty in the Graduate School of Arts and
Saskia Sassen, Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology, was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award in Social Sciences on May 15, 2013. This award, convened by the Prince of Asturias Foundation honors
Vishakha Desai, Special Advisor for Global Affairs to President Lee Bollinger and Professor of Professional Practice in the Faculty of International and Public Affairs, has been named a board member
Martin Chalfie and Wafaa El-Sadr Appointed University Professors
Q&A: Moving Away from “Elite Multilateralism”
Drones Over There, Total Surveillance Over Here
Closing of Nominations for President of World Bank
Committee discusses Occupy, global solidarity
In a statement released on the morning of Friday, Febuary 17, 2012, Lee C. Bollinger, President of Columbia University, confirmed the appointment of John Coatsworth to the permanent position of
The Foreign Policy Top 100 Global Thinkers
Committee Strives to Globalize Curriculum, Campus Mind-set