About the film: The film is set in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. It explores the life of Manas, an ex-factory floor manager and his family. After losing his job, Manas is forced to work as a food delivery rider, grappling with the app on his phone and the world of ratings and incentives. He struggles to make ends meet for his wife, two children and an ailing mother. The film captures the lives of invisible ‘ordinary’ people that are hidden in plain sight. Zwigato had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, Asian premiere at the Busan International Film Festival and the Indian premiere at the International Film Festival of Kerala, and was released in India on 17th March 2023.
Nandita Das has acted in 40 films in 10 languages. She has directed three acclaimed films, Firaaq (2008), Manto (2018) and Zwigato (2023). She has served twice as a jury member at the Cannes Film Festival, among others. She is a strong advocate for issues of social justice. In 2016, she founded ‘Nandita Das Initiatives’, a creative platform which also produced her feature films Manto and Zwigato.
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