Tell your story, share your ideas, scale our solutions in a conversation led by youth, for youth.

The Global Youth Summit on Climate Action will bring together young people from around the world to examine the global climate crisis from multiple local perspectives. By going beyond the narratives and popular figures that dominate media coverage of the youth climate movement, the goal of the Summit is to hear the diverse climate stories of participants, while compiling resources, networks, and strategies to identify ways to engage in climate work in local settings.

Participants will take part in a group discussion as well as one of four small workshops organized around the following topics:

Food, Farming, and Our Climate Realities

Artful Ways of Climate Action: Thinking Spatially

Making Fashion Green

Tackling Waste Glocally


The Global Youth Summit on Climate Action is sponsored by the Committee on Global Thought in conjunction with the Youth in a Changing World Project.

Co-sponsors: Global Columbia Collaboratory and Columbia Global Centers | Paris