Professor of International Political Economy, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University
Non-Resident Distinguished Fellow, Committee on Global Thought
Perry Mehrling is Professor of International Political Economy at the Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University, where he teaches courses on the economics of money and banking, the history of money and finance, and international money, the first of these is available online.
Perry G. Mehrling was a member of the faculty of Barnard College from 1987-2018, where he taught courses on the economics of money and banking, the history of money and finance, and the financial dimensions of the U.S. retirement, health, and education systems.
He is the author of The New Lombard Street: How the Fed became the Dealer of Last Resort (Princeton 2011), Fischer Black and the Revolutionary Idea of Finance (Wiley 2005, 2012), and The Money Interest and the Public Interest (Harvard 1997). Recent papers and video are available on his website, “one stop shopping for all things ‘money view’”.
He currently serves on the Academic Council of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, and has served as visiting professor at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, University of Nice, Paris X (Nanterre), and the Sloan School of Management, MIT.
Curriculum Vitae
Select Publications
- “Financialization and its Discontents.” Finance and Society 3 No. 1 (2017): 1-10.
- “Beyond Bancor.” Challenge 59 No. 1 (Jan/Feb 2016): 22-34.
- “Re-imagining Central Banking.” Pages 159-171 in Contemporary Issues in Macroeconomics, Lessons from the Crisis and Beyond, edited by Joseph Stiglitz and Martin Guzman. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
- “Discipline and Elasticity in the Global Swap Network.” International Journal of Political Economy 44 No. 4 (October 2015): 311-324.
- “MIT and Money.” In MIT and the Transformation of American Economics, edited by E. Roy Weintraub. History of Political Economy (supplement). Duke University Press, 2014.
- “Bagehot was a Shadow Banker: Shadow Banking, Central Banking, and the Future of Global Finance” (with Zoltan Pozsar, James Sweeney, Daniel Nielson). In Shadow Banking Within and Across Borders, edited by Stijn Claessens, Douglas Evanoff, George Kaufman,
and Luc Laeven. World Scientific Publishing, 2014. - “Essential Hybridity: A Money View of FX.” Journal of Comparative Economics 41 No. 2 (May 2013): 355-363.
- “Three Principles for Market-Based Credit Regulation.” American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 102 No. 3 (May 2012): 107-112.
- “The Monetary Economics of Benjamin Graham: a bridge between goods and money?” Journal of the History of Economic Thought 33 No. 3 (2011): 285-305.
- Ph.D., Harvard University
- M.Sc., London School of Economics
- B.A., Harvard College