Bernard E. Harcourt
Hachette Book Group, February 2018
A distinguished political theorist sounds the alarm about the counterinsurgency strategies used to govern Americans.
Militarized police officers with tanks and drones. Pervasive government surveillance and profiling. Social media that distract and track us. All of these, contends Bernard E. Harcourt, are facets of a new and radical governing paradigm in the United States–one rooted in the modes of warfare originally developed to suppress anticolonial revolutions and, more recently, to prosecute the war on terror.
The Counterrevolution is a penetrating and disturbing account of the rise of counterinsurgency, first as a military strategy but increasingly as a way of ruling ordinary Americans. Harcourt shows how counterinsurgency’s principles–bulk intelligence collection, ruthless targeting of minorities, pacifying propaganda–have taken hold domestically despite the absence of any radical uprising. This counterrevolution against phantom enemies, he argues, is the tyranny of our age. Seeing it clearly is the first step to resisting it effectively.
Watch Bernard Harcourt discuss the book.
Available at Hachette Book Group.
In the Media – United States
- Book Discussion & Author Interview [English Text & Audio]: “The Counterinsurgency Paradigm: How U.S. Politics Have Become Paramilitarized”, The Intercept, November 25, 2018
- Author Interview [English Text]: “An Imagined Insurgency: A Conversation with Bernard E. Harcourt”, Los Angeles Review of Books, June 3, 2018
- Book Discussion [English Audio]: “How Our Government Went to War Against Its Own Citizens”, NPR’s Letters and Politics, March 20, 2018
- Author Interview [English Audio]: “The Feds Are Braced For Revolution”, NPR’s Think, March 20, 2018
- Book Review: “When counterinsurgency tactics move from the battlefield to the home front”, The Washington Post, March 16, 2018
- Book Extract: “The Counterrevolution: Governing Our New Internal Enemies”, The Nation, February 28, 2018
In the Media – France
- Editorial: “La contre-révolution Américaine”, Le Gran Continent, June 6, 2018
In the Media – Germany
- Author Interview [English Text]: “The phantom insurrection: how counter-insurgency theory became a paradigm of governing”, Verfassungsblog, June 27, 2018
- Author Interview [English and German Video]: “Streitraum: Konterrevolution – Amerika im Krieg gegen die eigenen Bürger?”, Schaubühne Theatre in Berlin, June 10, 2018
- Author Interview [German Text]: “Protest erscheint als Aufstand, der mit aller Macht unterdrückt werden muss”, Jungle World, June 7, 2018
- Book Discussion [German Text]: “Ablenkung”, Süddeutsche Zeitung, April 13, 2018
In the Media – Italy
- Author Interview [Italian Text]: ” ‘Il controllo dello Stato sui cittadini passa dai nostri smartphone’. Intervista al filosofo Bernard E. Harcourt”, Business Insider Italia, November 24, 2018
In the Media – Switzerland
- Author Interview [French Audio]: “Bernard Harcourt explique les enjeux de la ‘gouvernance contre-insurrectionnelle’ “, Swiss National Radio, June 5, 2018