The Latest Catastrophe: History, the Present, the Contemporary
Professor Henry Rousso
Moderated by Carol Gluck
November 17, 2016 · 12-1PM
Columbia University, Fayerweather Hall, Room 411
The Committee on Global Thought (CGT) Lunchtime Seminars are a forum for Columbia University faculty and visiting scholars to discuss current research characterizing and assessing issues of global importance. Open to Columbia affiliates only. No registration is required. Light lunch will be available.
A sample reading is available here.
About the speaker
Henry Rousso is an Adjunct Professor for the Department of History at Columbia University. He first worked on the history of the Second World War and post-war period. His early writings focused on political and economic history of the Vichy regime. Then he turned to a history of memory of the war and spent much of his thinking to the history of collective memory and uses of the past. He is currently working in a multidisciplinary and comparative perspective on the relationship between history, memory and justice, and more generally on the epistemology of contemporary history.
Read more about the CGT Lunchtime Seminars.
- CGT Lunchtime Seminar with Henry Rousso.
- Henry Rousso presenting during his lunchtime seminar.
- Carol Gluck taking notes while moderating the seminar.
- Henry Rousso discussing among audience members during the event.
- Audience members engaged in the presentation.
- Perry Mehrling and Martha Poon among the audience in attendance at the seminar.
- Audience member asking Henry Rousso a question.
- Perry Mehrling among other attendees listening to the discussion.
- Two of the audience members in attendance at the Lunchtime Seminar.