Past Events


Nations and their Pasts

Oct. 16, 2015 at Columbia Global Centers | Beijing with Jie-hyun Lim, Iwasaki Minoru, Umemori Naoyuki, Valerie Rosoux, Hou Chunyan, Armelle Viard, Daniel Dayan, and Carol Gluck.

Facing History Squarely: The Politics of War Memory in East Asia and Elsewhere (Global Think-in)

Oct. 15, 2015 at Columbia Global Centers | Beijing with Narita Ryuichi, Charles K. Armstrong, Bu Ping, Li Zonguan, Jie-hyun Lim, Valerie Rosoux, and Carol Gluck.


Time and Trauma: Memory in Global Perspective (Global Think-in)

Apr. 18, 2015 at Columbia Global Centers | Amman with Akram Zaatari (artist and filmmaker), Hülya Adak (literature), Rashid Khalidi (historian), Minoru Iwasaki (philosophy), moderated by Carol Gluck.

Time and Trauma: Memory in Global Perspective

Apr. 17, 2015 at Studio X, Columbia Global Centers | Istanbul with Selçuk Esenbel (historian), Jie-hyun Lim (historian), Murat Paker (psychologist), Osman Köker (publisher), with Rashid Khalidi, Minoru Iwasaki, Edhem Eldem, and Carol Gluck.

Time and Trauma: Transgenerational Memories of Mass Suffering (Global Think-in)

Apr. 16, 2015 at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul with Rashid Khalidi (historian, on 20th century Middle East), Leyla Neyzi (anthropologist, on the Armenian genocide,) Minoru Iwasaki (philosophy on the 1923 massacre of Koreans), moderated by Edhem Eldem (historian).

The Politics of Memory in East Asia and Eastern Europe Today

Feb. 27, 2015 at Columbia University with Yoshiaki Yoshimi (historian, on Japan), Daqing Yang (historian, on China), Jan Kubik (political scientist, on Eastern Europe), Yael Danieli (psychologist, on trauma), comments by Manan Ahmed (historian of South Asia), moderated by Carol Gluck. Listen to the audio recording.

Remembering Across Time: Psychological Studies of the Two World Wars in Transgenerational Memory (Global Think-in)

Jan. 8, 2015 at Columbia Global Centers | Paris with Olivier Klein (psychologist), Armelle Viard (neuroscientist), William Hirst (psychologist), Richard Rechtman (anthropologist), Denis Peschanski (historian), Brigitte Sion (museums and memorials), moderated by Denis Peschanski.

Critics and Analytics: Presentation of the Past in the National 9/11 Memorial Museum

Nov. 5, 2014 at Columbia University with Charles Strozier (psychologist), Jeffrey Alexander (sociologist), Daphna Shohamy (cognitive scientist), Thomas Lutz (curator) , Henry Rousso (historian), moderated by Carol Gluck. Listen to the audio recording.

Remembering the Past in Public: A Conversation

Nov. 4, 2014 at National 9/11 Memorial Museum, New York a public symposium with William Hirst (psychologist), Thomas Lutz (Curator, Topography of Terror, Berlin), Henry Rousso (historian, Paris), Steven Davis (architect of the 9/11 museum), moderated by Bruce Shapiro (Journalism, Columbia). Watch the video.


The Past in Public: Museums and Memory

May 2, 2014 at Columbia University with Clifford Chanin, Stephane Grimaldi, Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Valerie Paley, Jacqueline Eidelman, Andreas Huyssen.

History on Display: How Viewers Respond

Feb. 14, 2014 at Columbia University with Denis Peschanski, Yves Burnod, Adam Brown, and Marianne Hirsch.

Japan and 3/11: Memory in Formation

Dec. 6 2013 at Columbia University with Harry Harootunian, Theodore C. Bestor, Mona El-Ghobashy, and William Hirst.

Conversations on Memory: Literature, Neuroscience, History

Nov. 19, 2013 at Columbia University with Partha Chatterjee, Joseph LeDoux, Orhan Pamuk, and Carol Gluck. Watch the video.

Testimony and 9/11: Memory Change over Time

 Oct. 24, 2013 at Columbia University with William Hirst, Elizabeth Phelps, Clifford Chanin, and Bradley Evans.